Sunday 25 September 2016

Preparing for our Debate assessment PART 2 WITH MORE INFORMATION!

The Great Debate: what you will be marked on

Band C:
Key points and ideas
Debating techniques
Responding to the opposition’s point
Appropriate register and style
Band D:
Vocabulary (e.g. Quizlet words)

Pronunciation and intonation

Revise debating verbs using the following Quizlet link:

Top Tips
About ten strong ideas to support your argument
Be prepared to counter your opponentsarguments
Use a range of persuasive devices within each argument
Use appropriate debating etiquette
Include a range of sophisticated debating phrases (see blog)
Include a range of debating verbs (see Quizlet link on blog)

Debate Arrangements

12 for: 4 groups of 3

14 against: 2 groups of 4, 2 groups of 3

Each individual needs 2 or 3 unique arguments they can use in their debate.

These need to be backed up by quotes from articles, by statistics etc to make your arguments strong.

You will be marked on how well you respond to the other group and your use of debating vocab and etiquette

Aiming for a total of 10-15 minutes debate as a group. 

When debating you cannot have sheets and sheets of notes. You are only allowed a cue card of notes that is the size of a quarter of a side of A4.

Each individual utterance must not succeed 40 seconds so that EVERYONE has a chance to speak and contribute.

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