Wednesday 1 February 2017

PEE paragraphs - Some useful phrases

Some useful phrases:
•The author describes ________ as ‘….’
•The quotation, ‘…’ gives the impression that…
•There is a description of the _____ as, ‘….’
•For example, when, ‘…’ the quotation
•This gives the impression of …
•The word ‘…’ gives a clear idea of …
•The author gives a sense of the …
•From this quotation …


I think that...

I believe that....

It seems that...

It appears that...


I think / know this because...

This is shown when...

This is highlighted in the text when it is stated that...

An example of this is...

The writer says...

On page ____, Steinbeck writes...


This use of...

The word .... shows/ demonstrates / indicates...

This suggests that...

This could mean...

This shows that...

This makes it clear that...

From this we can tell...

This suggests...

This reveals that...

This implies that...

This gives the impression that...

This gives the idea that...

This example highlights...

This emphasises...

This could mean... or perhaps it suggests that...

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