Thursday 26 January 2017

Table for poem summaries

Write the name of the poem and poet here
Subject Write a short description (one sentence) of what each poem is about.
Theme What are the main ideas in the poems?
Meaning Is each poem straightforward or ambiguous in meaning? What do you think it means?
Viewpoint What is the viewpoint?
Tone and mood Comment on each poem’s tone and mood. Does either poem make any use of humour or irony?
Interesting details Comment on any details which you find interesting in the poems
Structure and form Describe the structure and form of the poems – look at such things as rhyme, metre/rhythm, stanza form
Key images Look for the key images in each poem. In each case say
·what the image is
·what it means
·how it works in the poem
Other technical features Are there any other technical features, such as sound FX, contrast, colloquialism or wordplay?
Personal response Give your own response to the poems, with reasons

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