Wednesday 19 October 2016

Of Mice and Men: Chapter

Image result for lennie of mice and men actor

  1. Why did George and Lennie have to leave their previous jobs? Describe what happened in your own words. (p.12-13)
  2. Summarise Lennie and George´s dream (p.15-18) in 50 words.What does their dream suggest about their character/life?
  3. Compare and contrast George and Lennie's characters using quotations from the text to support your ideas. Use at least two quotations from the chapter for each characterMake at least three different points. Try to focus on, and explain,specific word choices
    Some useful phrases:
    •The author describes ________ as ‘….’
    •The quotation, ‘…’ gives the impression that…
    •There is a description of the _____ as, ‘….’
    •For example, when, ‘…’ the quotation
    •This gives the impression of …
    •The word ‘…’ gives a clear idea of …
    •The author gives a sense of the …
    •From this quotation …

    EXAMPLE of PEE :

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