Wednesday 26 April 2017

Crit A: OMAM Role Play

Key dates:

Scripts must be handed in on MONDAY 8TH MAY (Therefore they need to be finished by Friday 28th April)

Performances will be on MONDAY 15TH MAY  (Provided that you are working hard this week. If I think not enough work is being done, it will be moved to MONDAY 8TH MAY)

Your final lesson of preparation will be MONDAY 8TH MAY (depending on work ethic and behaviour)

Marks will be awarded according to the powerpoint (Check your emails)

Monday 17 April 2017

OMAM: Chapter 5 Summary

Lennie is in the barn stroking his _____ ____.  ____ ____ comes in and begins to _____ to him.  She _____ in him about her _____ marriage and her _____ of becoming __ _____.  She allows Lennie to ____ __ ____ but asks him to ____ when he becomes too _____ ____.  Lennie is _____.  He grabs Curley’s Wife and she _____.  Lennie puts his hand over her _____ and ____ her violently, _____ her neck.  When he realises what he has done he ____ ___ to hide ______ __ where George told him to.
_____ discovers the body and tells _____ first of all.  Soon all the men arrive.  They decide to go after _____ and _____ him.  _____ finds that his _____ is missing and thinks _____ has taken it.  ____ is sent to _____ for the _____ _____. 

The men and George set out to find Lennie.  _____ is left in the barn with Curley’s Wife, he _____ ____ in the ___ and covers his ____ with his arm.

Friday 7 April 2017

Thursday 6 April 2017